February 17, 2007

Ruby haunted by rumors

Director Sharif Sabri, business manager of Egyptian singer Roubi, has denied recent circulating rumors that the singer filmed her recent music video “Misheet Wara Ihsasi” (I followed my instinct) in her undergarments.

Sharif stated that such rumors are ridiculous and the singer would not be filmed in such a manner. He added that once the clip is released, it will prove that the singer had worn normal cloths, which she had purchased from London.

The director also denied other rumors regarding Ruby’s resignation and her wearing of the Islamic headdress Hijab. Photos were circulated on number of internet sites and several newspapers of the singer wearing the Hijab. What had added to the rumor was Ruby’s disappearance from the spotlight in the past few weeks and the delay of her album, which was previously scheduled for release at the beginning of the new year.

Sharif stated that the pictures of Ruby wearing the Hijab are mere fabrications.

Ruby will be returning to the scenes after a year long absence with the release of her new album "Misheet Wara Ihsasi" (I Followed my Instinct). The album features eight songs in both oriental and western styles.

On a different note, Ruby was shocked when she was forbidden to enter her high school, where she had graduated. The singer was not allowed to enter the premises of the school and the entire staff refused to welcome her in after she had requested to meet the students and chat with them.

Ruby wanted to talk to the students, who were all females, about her experience at the school and her career as a singer. The principal of the school told the singer that she is not welcomed and she did not want her to talk to the students of fear that she will influence them in a negative way.

The principal stated that ruby is a bad role model for the girls and the music she presents along with the video clips she releases are demeaning and inappropriate.

The singer was surprised at the principal’s reaction due to the fact that she had previously visited the school on numerous occasions and performed to the students.

February 16, 2007

في عيد العشاق : روبي تسبب ضغطا على شبكة المحمول

اختار المخرج شريف صبري يوم عيد العشاق ليكون بمثابة الإنطلاقة الثانية للمغنية المثيرة للجدل روبي بعد عامين تقريباً من الإبتعاد، حيث أطلق أجزاء من فيديو كليب " مشيت ورا احساسي "عبر الهاتف المحمول مع شركة فودافون التي تعرضت شبكتها لضغط كبير بسبب الإقبال على تحميل الكليب بعد حملة الدعاية المكثفة له.

والتي وصلت للقول بأن روبي ارتدت ملابس مثيرة في حضرة الأهرامات وأبو الهول حيث تم التصوير، لكن صبري نفى هذا الكلام وقال أن روبي في الألبوم الجديد وأعمالها المقبلة ستعبر عن نفسها كمطربة لديها أسلوب خاص بعدما جذبت الإنتباه بالكليبات المثيرة في بداية مشوارها، صبري نفى كذلك وجود أي مشكلات مع النقابة رغم الحكم القضائي الصادر بحق عضوية روبي لنقابة الموسيقيين .
وبينما يشاهد محبو روبي الكليب عبر أجهزة الهاتف المحمول فقط، لا يزال موعد عرض الكليب على الفضائيات وطرح الألبوم غير معلن حتى الآن، بينما يتم الإعداد لإطلاق موقع جديد للفنانة الشابة بعد سرقة موقعها الرسمي على الإنترنت.

February 5, 2007

Ruby kicked out of high school

Ruby was shocked when she was forbidden to enter her high school, where she had graduated. The singer was not allowed to enter the premises of the school and the entire staff refused to welcome her in after she had requested to meet the students and chat with them.

Ruby wanted to talk to the students, who were all females, about her experience at the school and her career as a singer. The principal of the school told the singer that she is not welcomed and she did not want her to talk to the students of fear that she will influence them in a negative way.

The principal stated that ruby is a bad role model for the girls and the music she presents along with the video clips she releases are demeaning and inappropriate.

The singer was surprised at the principal’s reaction due to the fact that she had previously visited the school on numerous occasions and performed to the students.

Ruby has received an offer from ‘Alpatros’ production company to play the leading role in the new film “Laban Al Asfoor” alongside Ramiz Jalal.

The company has given the singer the privilege of selecting the remaining cast. Ruby stipulated that her business manager Sharif Sabri produce of the film, and that she be paid one million Egyptian pounds for her performance.

Ruby will also decide when the film will be screened. It will be shown in over sixty theatres to ensure its success, and a budget of two million Egyptian pounds has been set for advertising.

Ruby also stipulated that she be given the same treatment as Ramiz Jalal, written specifically in her contract.

Ruby has just returned to the scenes after a year long absence with the release of her new album "Misheet Wara Ihsasi" (I Followed my Feelings) at the beginning of January. The album features eight songs in both oriental and western styles.

January 30, 2007

January 28, 2007

Ruby’s endless demands

Ruby has received an offer from ‘Alpatros’ production company to play the leading role in the new film “Laban Al Asfoor” alongside Ramiz Jalal.

The company has given the singer the privilege of selecting the remaining cast. Ruby stipulated that her business manager Sharif Sabri produce of the film, and that she be paid one million Egyptian pounds for her performance.

Ruby will also decide when the film will be screened. It will be shown in over sixty theatres to ensure its success, and a budget of two million Egyptian pounds has been set for advertising.

Ruby also stipulated that she be given the same treatment as Ramiz Jalal, written specifically in her contract.

Ruby has just returned to the scenes after a year long absence with the release of her new album "Misheet Wara Ihsasi" (I Followed my Feelings) at the beginning of January. The album features eight songs in both oriental and western styles.

The Egyptian Musician Union recently decided to eliminate Ruby from the Union. The singer's membership was cancelled along with a number of singers who were considered unfit.

Ruby along with other so-called ‘provocative female singers’ were accused of luring young fans to an unethical lifestyle.

The singer had gone through numerous obstacles to become a member of the Union and had paid high fees.

January 25, 2007

النجمة روبي تصر على تجاهل كل المعارك التي تستهدفها

النجمة روبي، تصر علي تجاهل كل المعارك التي تستهدفها، آخرها الحكم القضائي بمسح اسمها من جداول نقابة الموسيقيين، وضعت ساقا فوق واخري، وراحت تتشرط علي شركة الباتروس حينما عرضت الشركة عليها، بطولة فيلم لبن العصفور ، فلم تكتف روبي بتحديد أجرها بمليون جنيه، وانما فوضتها الشركة في اختيار من ترغب في التعاون معه سواء من المخرجين او الممثلين.

وطبعا اختارت مكتشفها الدكتور شريف صبري ليكون مخرجا للفيلم، كما اشترطت عرض الفيلم في موسم سينمائي جيد، وفي عدد كبير من دور العرض لا يقل عن 60 داراً ضماناً لتحقيق الإيرادات المطلوبة وطلبت رصد مليوني جنيه لأعمال الدعاية والإعلان، وأن تعامل نفس معاملة شريكها في البطولة رامز جلال في تصميم الأفيشات على أن يكون الاتفاق علي كل هذه الأمور بشكل رسمي وحتى لا تخلّ الجهة المنتجة بأي شيء.

January 24, 2007

Ruby kicked out of the Musician Union

A the time that Egyptian singer Roubi is awaiting her big return to the scenes with the release of her new album "Misheet Wara Ihsasi" (I Followed my Feelings), a decision was made by the Egyptian Musician Union to eliminate her from the union. The singer's membership was cancelled along with a number of singers who were considered to be unfit and lack any real talent.

Many singers who made most of their living by singing in nightclubs were removed from the Union, and who had obtained their membership through unlawful means.

Roubi along with other provocative female singers were accused of luring young females to a lifestyle that is unethical and against social standards.

The singer had gone through numerous obstacles to become a member of the Union and was forced to pay a large sum of money to do so.

After it was scheduled to be released before the New Year, Egyptian director/producer Sharif Sabri has decided to postpone the release of the upcoming album for Ruby.

Sharif stated that he has delayed the release until the beginning January, due to the instability of the record industry and the release of so many albums for prominent singers like Egyptian Amr Diab.

The album “Misheet Wara Ihsasi” is waiting to be launched and the singer has filmed the main song “Misheet Wara Ihsasi” in the form of a music video to release with the album.

The clip was directed by Ruby’s business manager Sharif, who stressed that the video is different from any other Ruby has filmed.

Ruby will present a new style of dancing in the clip, featuring new steps she created herself. The singer had gone on a strict diet especially for the clip, which was filmed in the tourist city of Sharm El Sheikh – Egypt.

The album will mark Ruby’s return to the spotlight after a year long absence. It features eight songs varying in style from oriental and western. The songs are considered different from anything the singer has presented in the past.

January 23, 2007

روبي تتكبر على .. لبن الصفور

تستعد المغنية الشابة روبي للمشاركة في بطولة الفيلم السينمائي الجديد "لبن العصفور"، ويشاركها في بطولة الفيلم الذى ستقاضى أجر عنه يصل الى مليون جينة الممثل الشاب رامز جلال .

هذا وقد اشترطت روبي علي شركة الباتروس التى عرضت عليها بطولة "لبن العصفور" ان تختار المخرج التى ترغب في التعاون معه ، كما اشترطت عرض الفيلم أيضاً في موسم سينمائي جيد، حسبما ذكرت جريدة "الراية" القطرية.

وبالإضافة الى ذلك اشترطت المغنية الشابة عرض الفيلم في عدد كبير من دور العرض لا يقل عن 60 داراً ضماناً لتحقيق الإيرادات المطلوبة، وأن تعامل نفس معاملة شريكها في البطولة رامز جلال في تصميم الأفيشات

January 19, 2007

رغم الحكم القضائي..روبي لن تشطب من النقابة

بعد ان تناولت معظم وسائل الإعلام خبر نية نقابة الموسيقيين شطب عضويتها، أكد نقيب الموسيقيين حسن ابوالسعود ان النقابة لن تقوم بشطب الفنانة روبى من جداول النقابة رغم الحكم القضائي الذى صدر مؤخرا بحقها والذى يقضى بضرورة فسخ عضويتها من النقابة ومنع انضمامها لجدول الاعضاء المشتغلين، حسب موقع مصراوي.

ابوالسعود قال ان روبي تعمل بنظام التصاريح السنوية التى يتم تجديدها بصفة مستمرة وتم بالفعل تجديد التصريح الخاص بها لعام 2007 ومن ثم فهى غير مقيدة بجداول المشتغلين لكى تقوم النقابة بشطبها تنفيذا لحكم القضاء وبوضوح اكثر فإن الموضوع برمته مجرد زوبعة فى فنجان ليس اكثر ومن ثم فإن النقابة لن تتخذ اي اجراءات بهدف استئناف اواستشكال الحكم لأنه لاتوجد قضية ضد روبي اوالنقابة من الاساس فى هذا الموضوع.

كما واكد ابوالسعود ان روبي ملتزمة منذ حصولها على اول تصريح من النقابة بسداد حقوق النقابة المادية وكذلك لم تتلقى النقابة اى شكاوى اومشاكل خاصة بها.

يذكر ان الحكم القضائي الصادر جاء بناء على الدعوى القضائية التى اقامها المحامي نبيه الوحش وطالب فيها بضرورة وقفها عن الغناء بشكل كامل للحفاظ على العادات والتقاليد .

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